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Where opportunities today mean success tomorrow.

Our mission is to foster an exciting and safe learning environment where students can unleash potential and soar to success! We offer a vibrant mix of challenging, relevant, and captivating courses that empower them to thrive in their college or career journey.



Notice: The 2024-2025 Student Handbook was updated on February 12, 2025 to include the school policy regarding Student IDs on page 14.


Walker High serves students in grades 9-12 in the Walker community. Students at Walker High have many opportunities to engage in many types of classes, clubs, sports and after-school extracurricular events.

Whether you're an incoming freshman from a local junior high or a brand new student to our community our New Student page has everything you need to know to be a successful student at WHS.


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Louisiana Star Jobs

​Per ACT 238, schools must provide students with information developed by the Louisiana Workforce Commission (LWC) regarding the top twenty high-demand, high-wage jobs in the state and in the student’s region. Please use the link below to access this information. LPPS is a part of the Baton Rouge Region (RLMA 2).

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